Repost: Second major Burger King franchisee declares bankruptcy

Repost: Second major Burger King franchisee declares bankruptcy

Acquiring distressed assets can be a long and complex process. It is important to be realistic in expectations for immediate profits, and to plan the details of the work necessary inside the organization to turn it around. From this report, it appears Meridian...
Can the “universal branch” please everyone?

Can the “universal branch” please everyone?

The grand opening of a new bank branch we attended last week proves it’s possible. Similar to the illustration, the branch featured a wonderful, open-space “Universal Branch” design demonstrating the “branch of the future” we’ve written about, and the intersection of...
Your line in the sand: Drawing (and owning) your territory enhances competitive advantage

Your line in the sand: Drawing (and owning) your territory enhances competitive advantage

Without a doubt, a retail or other customer-facing enterprise can pin a significant portion of its success to location. Whether a grocery store, bank branch or family medical practice, WHERE one is situated is a major factor in business success. Once location is...
Don’t be a super-hero: 5 tips to delegate your way to successfully compete while effectively managing your business

Don’t be a super-hero: 5 tips to delegate your way to successfully compete while effectively managing your business

Successful competition involves breaking through inevitable barriers – – and some of the most challenging barriers might be you or your key leaders! As a business enterprise grows, owners must make some critical choices to continue that growth. Some would...
“D cubed” is the equation to yield continuous improvement in account generation and banking relationships

“D cubed” is the equation to yield continuous improvement in account generation and banking relationships

It may not be the most glamours activity in the banking world, but for community banks to effectively compete against larger counterparts, some rote processes must be involved.  The following 3 steps of a continuous improvement sales process, though, may yield...