We may be basking in the July sun today, but retailers in particular – and many enterprises in general – are probably just giddy right now with thoughts of Black Friday and the holiday shopping season to come. Of course, that’s because the 4th quarter and holidays in...
I recently read about Tyson entering the meatless and plant-blended meat business under its own NEW brand. As competitive and marketing strategists intent on winning the battle before the first shot is fired, here’s what Dorsey & Company sees . . . Analysis of...
By Julius C. Dorsey Jr. It felt good to go back to my hospitality “roots” during the stimulating dialogue on competitive strategy for restaurant success with the Cleveland Restaurant Alliance of the Ohio Restaurant Association yesterday. As those attending discovered,...
We can say all day long that the traditional and completely valid strategy to weather disruption in sources of supply is redundancy and replacements. Nonetheless, there are only so much of a given item and a limited number of places where replacements can be obtained...
By Julius C. Dorsey Jr. Godiva is well-positioned to go head-to-head with Starbucks, but they’re also well-positioned to go around them to a unique and defensible “Godiva niche.” Godiva is already established as a premium chocolate maker with a...