Do you really “love” your customers? If so, don’t rely on ordinary loyalty programs to deliver maximum lifetime value

Do you really “love” your customers? If so, don’t rely on ordinary loyalty programs to deliver maximum lifetime value

If asked, most in business wouldn’t hesitate to say “yes, we love our customers – at least we appreciate them immensely.” To show their appreciation, many product or service providers may offer any manner of incentives to encourage repeat purchase such as discounts,...
Bartender as Rain-Maker: How having a great bartender can boost restaurant profits and keep customers happy

Bartender as Rain-Maker: How having a great bartender can boost restaurant profits and keep customers happy

Restaurants and bars all over the country just closed out what was likely a profitable Cinco de Mayo weekend of serving margaritas, Corona and other colorful cocktails to revelers who may not have any cultural connection to the holiday, but who just enjoyed the good...
Mobile delivery: Pro or con?

Mobile delivery: Pro or con?

Like the physician’s oath, the first order is to do no harm (to your customers, business or brand) By Julius C. Dorsey Jr. Restaurants have been on my mind lately, as I just returned from the Ohio Restaurant Association’s annual Mid-America Restaurant Expo in Columbus...